
Wordless Wednesday - A Roll In the Hay (Well, the future hay)

Bettina Greyhound has a roll in the hay


  1. Nikki is a yard roller too. Bettina looks very happy. Please tell Lady Flame, "Happy Gotcha Day." I see she has one coming up. Hope you guys get to go to the party.

  2. Ha ha ha! Bettina, if you've got it, flaunt it!

    BTW, just so you're aware, I kept getting redirected from your site to a Greyhound web ring. I finally got through on the third try!

  3. That grass must feel good to you! So glad to see that you not too prim and proper to have fun!

  4. Nothing better than a roll in the "future" hay! Great way to get all cleaned up.

    Missy posted:http://www.dawsondogs.com/blog/2013/7/Oh-Say-Can-You-See

  5. There is no way Beryl would roll on the lawn, not even if there was a duvet on it!! Grass is for dogs not a Princess! She's very particular like that. I'm glad Bettina isn't as stuck up, Beryl doesn't know what she's missing out on does she :)


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