
The Last Lesson

It has been 4 years today since you left me.  You have now been gone from me longer than you spent with me.  Yet I have thought of you, felt your absence and missed you terribly every one of those 1460 days.  I still marvel at the impact one small brindle hound has had on the life of a most unworthy human.  If it is at all possible that I am a better person now it is due to the things you taught me.

I never dreamt I could love something more than I loved myself.  And I never dreamt that your absence could still hurt so badly.  On our last day together I told you that it was ok to go.  That Mumma would be OK.  I think you knew I was lying.  My sweet girl, I still wait every day to be OK. 
The last lesson you’ve taught me is that true love never dies.

Girly Girl and Blue Greyhound Share a Bed

Girly Girl

Forever Mumma’s Sweet Pea


  1. All of our hounds have a special forever place in our hearts! (my Emma's winter coat was made from that exact same rainbow fleece.)

  2. We can never forget our loved ones, Thanks for sharing with us the memories.

  3. My first Greyhound was a brindle princess, too, and all these years later, I still miss her. We've been very lucky to have such perfect first Greyhounds!

  4. Thank you for this post. We got our very first greyhound in August and had to put our sweet girl to sleep on October 17. She was the perfect first greyhound (my very first dog). She will never be forgotten


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