Showing posts with label Hat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hat. Show all posts


Six and Sassy

Bettina, the Crown Regent of Fussypants, had a birthday yesterday.  She turned six years old.  While she's calmed down a bit since she joined us at two years old, her Diva skills have increased exponentially.

Bettina greyhound-is that for me?
Say now...could that be for moi?  Enchante!

Bettina greyhound defending her birthday cookie
Oh HELLS no!  That is MINE.  ALL MINE.

Bettina and Blue greyhound in the kitchen
Why is there always a dorky hat involved?

Bettina eating her birthday cookie
First I'm going to deal with this cookie, THEN I'm going to deal with this hat.
Bettina greyhound in her birthday hat
Am I going to get one more cookie to grow on?  That's tradition right?