Showing posts with label Lady Flame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lady Flame. Show all posts


Celebration of Spring - Grand Finale

Lady Flame and Blue romp

Lady Flame and Blue Romp 2
Let it rip and go CRAZY!


Five Little Known Facts About Greyhounds

In the interests of public education I thought I would share with you some little known facts about greyhounds. 

Fact 1:  Greyhounds have no stomachs.  Yes it’s true.  Greyhounds have black holes where stomachs would be on ordinary dogs.  Don’t believe me?  Feed a greyhound until it’s full.  It will never happen.  It also explains why most greyhounds simply open their mouths and their food disappears.  I assume that the event horizon beyond which there is no turning back from the massive gravity of a black hole is right at the end of
Girly Girl Greyhound
Sometimes, if you catch the light just right, you can see and photograph
the black hole as seen here with Girly Girl.  Luckily, I did manage to avoid
the even horizon.
their tongues. (That’s a bonus fact for you.)

Fact 2: All greyhounds carry some human genetic material.  Again, totally true.  It is believed that somewhere in the distant past, greyhound DNA somehow mixed with the DNA of the Van Winkle family.  This family was made famous by one of its patriarchs, Rip Van Winkle known to have slept for decades straight.  This trait was passed down to his progeny and also became a key characteristic of the breed we know and love today. 

Fact 3: Greyhounds are responsible for the marketing phenomena known as “product placement” in modern TV, Film and Literature.  Greyhounds were the first to organize a great lobbying and marketing firm with eventual success in placing the greyhound name in the most popular book of all time, the Bible.  They created a stir when they were able to lock down the only canine mention in the whole book.  You’ll see Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Dre’s Beats Speakers or Audi’s in the movies but greyhounds did it first and they did it best.  

Subsequently they scored a second coup when in the early 80’s they rallied one of the largest nations on the planet to their cause and became the most well known breed with its own rescue organization surpassing all other breed rescues with respect to public relations savvy. (Oh boy, another bonus fact!)

Fact 4: Greyhounds have an innate ability for macramé.  Put any greyhound at the end of a reasonably long string (such as a leash) and he or she will automatically begin weaving that string into a lovely piece of macramé.  If two or more greyhounds are together they will braid and knot their strings into complex creations.  If it is a single greyhound they will incorporate items from their environment into their designs such as your legs, sign poles, trees, bushes etc. 
Greyhounds Begin a Macrame Project
Here is a good example of greyhounds Lady Flame, Jester, Blue and Skye
in the beginning stages of their creative macrame process

Fact 5: Greyhounds have near-complete command of The Force.  With little more than a look greyhounds can move most animate objects and bend them to their will.  Want to go out?  Want a treat?  Want a walk or a ride?  They use The Force and humans are powerless to resist.  Use of The Force has been handed down through the ages from mother to litter.  There isn’t a greyhound that ever existed who didn’t work his or her way into a soft cushy place, good food, fancy collars, painted masterpieces and all the luxuries they could imagine through use of The Force.  Wonder why greyhounds have been the breed of nobility?  Wonder no more.  The fact that greyhounds even know what The Force is could be an indicator of interstellar origins for this breed.  Did the first greyhound arrive on a meteor?  Maybe!


I Remember When....

Lady Flame and her dad, Drew, on her adoption day  (Photo courtesy of MND Family Blog)
There are so many great things about the adoption of a greyhound.  Some friends of ours brought their first greyhound home on Saturday.  Lady Flame has now begun her transformation from retired racing greyhound to beloved family member.  Lady's new mom, Laurie, has been keeping us apprised of her adventures via email and their blog, Maine Nature Diary Family Blog.  

Girly Girl greyhound adoption day
Girly Girl on her adoption day
The beginning of their lives as a trio very much reminds me of my Saturdays at MGPS when I brought home each of my babies, Girly Girl, Blue and then Bettina.  I think it's universal (at least it is with all the greyhound people I've spoken with), you just never forget your first day with any of the hounds that share your life.  I remember so well the excitement of that morning when you get up and get ready for your appointment at the kennel.  Then you get there and start meeting greyhounds.  As each one comes out you think, "Is this the one?  Is this my baby?"  And sometimes there is a little disappointment when that one wasn't your baby but then the next one comes out.  But finally you meet THE one and it clicks.  You know it, the hound knows it and you open your mouth and make that lifetime commitment.  Then, while the paperwork is being completed, you are beside yourself with excitement to get that leash into your hand for good, but also a little fearful.  What have you gotten into?  Will it work out?  Did I make the right decision?  Still, your heart knows you made the exact right decision.  
Blue greyhound on adoption day
Blue on his adoption day

Lady's parents spent a great deal of time preparing for her arrival.  They did a ton of research on greyhounds in general and on the specific greyhounds at the MGPS.  It helped that they had been dog caretakers before, though greyhounds were a new breed for them.  They read a number of "raising greyhound" type books.  They attended numerous meet and greets as well as the MGPS Open House.  They carefully researched food choices and veterinarians.  They shopped for all the necessities they would need before she arrived.  They even held off on making their adoption appointment so they could get their yard fenced in for their new adoptee. 

I remember that I had conducted a lot of research before adopting Girly Girl.  I read every book on greyhound care that I could put my hands on.  I attended meet and greets.  I got my supplies in order before GG's arrival.  But Laurie and Drew eclipsed my level of preparedness by far.  It makes so much sense to know what you are getting into before you jump in.  If everyone who adopted a greyhound put in half the time that Lady's mom and dad did to learn about the breed before bringing one home, I think there would be a zero percent bounce back rate. 

Bettina greyhound on adoption day
Bettina on her adoption day
 We are so thrilled for Lady Flame.  She doesn't really know it yet, but she picked herself a first rate mom and dad.  Lady is now busy learning about stairs, houses, treats, soft beds, human furniture and all the other things that civilian life brings.  She's in culture shock but she's already on the path to becoming a loving family member.  In the meantime, the greater greyhound family is rejoicing that another hound has found a forever home, cheering Lady's family on and fondly remembering those days when we each brought our needlenose kids home.