Showing posts with label Mumma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mumma. Show all posts


June is Adopt-A-Cat Month

Recently Bettina discovered it was Adopt-A-Cat Month.  Since then there has been a running conversation in our house.

Bettina:  Mumma! Mumma!  Mumma! Mumma!

Mumma:  What Bettina?  Can’t you see that Mumma is trying to eat?

Bettina:  It is Adopt-A-Cat Month.

Mumma:  OK thanks for that information.

Bettina:  We need to adopt a few cats.

Mumma:  I don’t think that is a great idea.

Bettina:  Oh but it is.  Maybe a nice fat juicy one, and a couple older and slower ones.  If you can get them all declawed, I’d appreciate it.
I know I saw one in here once

Mumma:  Did you say juicy?

Bettina:  I meant cute and cuddly.

Mumma:  Bettina remember what happened last time we had a cat around the house?

Bettina:  Yes and I still haven’t forgiven you for that.

Mumma:  Forgiven me?  You’re the one who spent three days trying to eat it.

Bettina:  And that last day I almost had it at the fence.  I can still taste it…  OK if we can’t have three cats how about one?  I’ll settle for fat and juicy, I mean cuddly.

Mumma:  Are you drooling?  Sister, we will never be adopting a cat.  That is the nicest thing we can do for kitties during June.

Bettina:  I wish someone else had adopted me. 

Mumma:  Yes Princess you do have the worst luck.

Bettina:  Mumma! Mumma! Mumma! Mumma!

Mumma:  What Bettina? 

Bettina:  Can I have 10 cookies?


MEMO: Life Changes


To:  Friends, Family, Blog-o-Sphere
From:  Blue and Bettina’s Mumma
Date:  April 1, 2013
Subject:  Major Decision

I wanted to share with all of my friends, family and blog-o-sphere friends the life altering decision I have been agonizing over for the last month.  It was not an easy decision to reach but I gave it a lot of soul searching and I feel pretty good that the new direction I will be going in is the right decision for me.

It is no secret that I am a fanatic regarding all things greyhound.  And particularly my own babies.  Greyhounds are among the things that make me most happy in life.  Since I can think of nothing better than to be a retired racing greyhound, I have decided to make that dream come true.  I will be giving notice at my job and taking some time away to make this a reality. 

I have found a plastic surgeon in Kuala Lumpur who specializes in human to canine plastic surgery.  He has assured me that by the time he is done, I will be a very tall greyhound.  I’m probably going to have to pay a little extra for the necessary liposuction or I’ll also look like a very fat greyhound.  I believe that skipping the initial life phases of a greyhound is best in my particular case.  I’ve never been a very fast runner and I stuck to the field events while on the track team in high school.  So I will go directly to the retirement portion of a greyhound’s life.

I have decided the best way to pay for the numerous procedures I’ll need is to mortgage the house.  Then I’ll rent it out and build a lovely kennel on part of the land.  Whoever rents the house will have charge of feeding, watering and poop-scooping for Blue, Bettina and I. 

I am very excited to step into this new chapter in my life.  I’m looking forward to a life of ease with comfy beds, treats and snuggles.  We ask that all our friends send your best thoughts for a successful and ultimately rewarding transition.  Since I will no longer be able to type once I have paws, this will be my final blog entry.