A dream is a psychosis, with all the absurdities, delusions
and illusions of a psychosis
~Sigmund Freud
~Sigmund Freud
We have forgotten the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly
through dreams and visions
~Carl Jung
~Carl Jung
A dream that is not interpreted is like a letter that is
I had a dream not too long ago. It involved Girly Girl. My dreams involving Girly Girl have a
different quality from my normal dreams and I can count the number of them
since her passing on one hand. I am of
the firm belief that these are infrequent visits from my sweet girl. Some of you may roll your eyes and I’m OK
with that.
Girly Girl usually stops in to say hi, let me know she still
loves me and that she misses me. She
doesn’t “say” this to me but when she was with me in the physical world, she
once gave me a greeting that made it so incredibly clear that she loved me and
missed me it became the gold standard.
It was after her cancer
diagnosis and close to her passing. I had to travel for a week for work so she stayed with Grammy. I think we both knew that time was short and any time away from each other was so painful. When I went to pick her up after that trip, she nearly crawled into my skin in her attempts to get as close to me as possible. Girly Girl, who wasn’t a licker, greeted me like an excited puppy trying to lick my face all over. She stayed melded to me for some time.
diagnosis and close to her passing. I had to travel for a week for work so she stayed with Grammy. I think we both knew that time was short and any time away from each other was so painful. When I went to pick her up after that trip, she nearly crawled into my skin in her attempts to get as close to me as possible. Girly Girl, who wasn’t a licker, greeted me like an excited puppy trying to lick my face all over. She stayed melded to me for some time.
I’ve never had a greeting like that before and now I only
receive it when she drops in on my dreams.
I think she knew how much that particular greeting meant to me so she
uses it now to make sure I am clear on her message.
This dream was different.
It was the first dream in which she did not pop in and give me our
greeting and then pop back out. Instead
I was approached by a person who told me that Girly Girl had “come back.” I didn’t know what that meant and I said that
couldn’t be possible as she was dead.
The person insisted that she was back and I needed to come. Since I would give a whole lot for that to
actually be true, I went with this person.
They brought me to a place where a small group of people
were in the company of a spindly, petite white female greyhound with black
ticking and larger brindle patches. I
told them that this was definitely not Girly Girl. But the group kept insisting that this was
Girly Girl. I approached her and she was
very spooky. She did her best to avoid
being touched. The group helped hold her
still and I checked her ear tattoo. The
birth date ear said 716A. It was at this
point I woke up.
At first, I found the dream just odd. As a few days passed I was sitting in my
mother’s living room discussing the dream with her. I replayed the dream and then out of nowhere I
said to my mother, I think this might mean that Girly Girl is coming back and
when she does, she’ll be in the guise of this new hound.
If the tattoo is any indication, she will be born in July of
2016 so she was apparently giving me plenty of advanced warning. I figure that the earliest she’ll be able to
find her way to me will be in 2017 assuming she fails out of a life as a racing
greyhound and goes straight into adoption.
Grammy thinks it’s possible that she’s timing the return to be just
after Blue’s passing. He will be 14 in
I know it sounds crazy. And honestly I’m trying to convince her to
stay put where she’s whole and pain free.
Coming back could expose her to any number of terrible experiences. Her last go-round wasn’t particularly fabulous. She broke her hock and it wasn’t
treated. Then she got only a few years
in retirement with a new to greyhounds owner who needed a big lesson in patience. Shortly thereafter she got cancer, had to go through an amputation
only to finally succumb to ever growing tumors in her lungs. Why she’d want to expose herself to that
possibility again is beyond me. I miss her
like crazy but I can wait and meet her on that side if it means she runs free.
So nut job?
Maybe. Creating something I need
to believe from a simple dream? Also
possible. In this case, only time will
tell. Just to be safe I have Auntie
Carol checking all the ear tattoos of the new arrivals that match my
description. I invite you all to check
back in here in 2017 or 2018 to see how this story ends!